
DIY Mistakes –> Lessons Learned

You guessed it… I’m not perfect. Every single one of my projects keeps me on my toes and I am committed to continuously challenging my self and learning every single day (Have you seen my tattoo? “aún aprendo” or I’m still learning). My own DIY mistakes help me improve, and you too!

Below you will find the key takeaways I found from each home improvement project. When I make DIY mistakes, or learn something new I feel so much more powerful as a creative! You may already know some of these tricks, but coming to see things through my own experiences has made my home improvement skills that much stronger.

From DIY Mistakes to Getting Perfect Cuts

When working on my first DIY project after finally buying my own power tool set, I made some big errors. I obviously knew I had to cut in straight lines, and I thought I knew how to do that. I planned my cuts, measured them and marked them with a pencil and a straight edge. However, I didn’t use a speed square to ensure that the lines were at a perfect 90 degree angle. Although my cuts were straight, they weren’t parallel to one another, causing a huge pain when it came time to assemble. I used a level, and a corner clamp, but the cuts that touched the ground were causing the whole structure to precariously tilt, or looked funky at the attachment points.

Enter the speed square! This hand tool does so much more than what meets the eye. You can draw straight lines, encuring they’re perpendicular with the lipped edge, and create a jig for your saw that forces a straight cut with almost no possible way of messing up. It saved me for my next project, creating shelving in my garage .

Are you ready to start making some DIY mistakes of your own- I mean, making lovely DIY projects? Check out the tools I recommend to get started. Good luck to you.

Keep Learning,
